The People Least Concerned About Outliving Their Savings May Be Most at Risk Financially

For many of our clients, longevity risk causes a lot of heartburn and sleeplessness. As one advisor put it:

“It’s not that clients have a tangible lack of wealth – it’s that they have an intangible fear of outliving their assets.”

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Francois Gadenne Fiduciary-based Retirement Planning

Webinar Replay: Post-DOL: RIAs 3 Winningest Strategies with Francois Gadenne

Francois Gadenne, Executive Director of the Retirement Income Industry Association (RIIA), joined us for an interactive webinar based on top advisor best practices.  He brought us an essential new tool: Fiduciary-based Retirement Planning.

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Give Clients Guaranteed Income in a Post-DOL World

The future keeps a lot of people awake at night: 56% of Americans lose sleep thinking about retirement.

– Ramsey Solutions, Stress and Anxiety Surrounding Retirement An In-Depth Look at What Keeps Americans Up at Night, Aug 10, 2016

The search for solutions that fit into the fixed income bucket or address longevity risks, the list gets pretty short. Scott Martin from The Trust Advisor does a nice job of reporting on recent changes that make annuities an attractive option for investment advisors.

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A Not So Obvious Choice for Income

Dr. Wade Pfau’s research helps us understand that systematic withdrawal plans do not obviously outperform annuities as a way to meet retirement spending goals as well as providing support for contingencies and legacy. He adds:

“Advisors with aversion to income annuities think carefully about whether their advice is serving the best interest of their clients.”

– Dr. Wade D. Pfau, Retirement Income Showdown: Risk Pooling vs. Risk Premium, 2016 Professor of Retirement Income at The American College

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