Leadership is the Best Marketing Strategy

When 1/3 of the largest RIAs lost AUM in 2016, alarms should have gone off.

“In all, 11 of the top 25 firms on this year’s ranking shed assets. By comparison, just one firm in the top 25 did last year.” – RIA Leaders 2017: Is this decumulation? Financial-Planning.com, January 3, 2017

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It’s a Process

You hear top tier athletes and business people say it all the time: It’s a process. Now is your chance to go beyond credentials and master the process of fiduciary-based retirement planning. RIAs: Transform your business into a powerful magnet for ideal clients and meet ERISA Prudence and DOL Best Interest Standards.

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More RIAs Face Declining AUM

In 2013, Mark Hurley projected that RIAs would face a season of slower growth and decumulation. It looks like that season has begun.

Remember that 2017 marks the first year that the oldest baby boomers will experience required minimum distributions.
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Webinar Replay: 5 Ways Advisors Lose the Clients They Love

Goldilocks could probably blow up your business with this 4-letter word – too little risk, too much risk, just right? Whether that’s “blow up” good or “blow up” bad depends on whether you view this webinar.

Getting the right fit helps in attracting and closing many new clients while keeping existing clients happy.

5 Key Business Building Insights

Get the first look at 5 key business building insights based on 100,000’s of client engagements. Mike McDaniel, Chief Investment Officer of Riskalyze, has mined the data about RISK – the 4-letter word that can morph your RIA business in 2017.

Get more love from clients and prospects. Watch this webinar for a fast-paced 45-minute session and learn how to:

  1. Differentiate yourself and increase your market share
  2. Overcome loss aversion and other behavioral biases

How fast would your business grow if your clients could take the right amount of risk and still achieve their life goals?

Watch this webinar to learn more.